
Christmas donation 2017 – emz supports earthquake victims in Mexico

This year Mexico suffered two major earthquakes affecting thousands of people. Some have suffered the death of a relative, others lost their home or some object of value to them. Because of this, we want to support those people who have lost their home in this unexpected event with a Christmas donation.


Habitat for humanity is a non-profit organization that works to build communities and obtain resources to give people in need access to an accomodation. This is the way to assure a fundamental right for them to have a personal development. "Every family needs a home" "Toda familia necesita un hogar"

This organization was founded in 1976. Since then, they have supported more than 6,8 million of people all over the world.

On this occasion, Habitat has the goal of rebuilding 500 homes in 5 different states in Mexico. Because of the unforeseeable emergency it is expected to have finished homes in a period no longer than 4 months after the start of the construction.

The Habitat Mexico model builds houses of brick, cement, rod, slab, etc. Being permanent and non-temporary houses this translates into a heritage for the family and the security of a stable and lasting construction in time.

emz Hanauer and Habitat for humanity Mexico will be contributing to help those families that have been left homeless, so that today they can restart their life.